
The Rotary Foundation
The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
The Rotary Foundation helps fund our humanitarian activities, from local service projects to global initiatives. Your club or district can apply for grants from the Foundation to invest in projects and provide scholarships. The Foundation also leads the charge on worldwide Rotary campaigns such as eradicating polio and promoting peace. Rotarians and friends of Rotary support the Foundation’s work through voluntary contributions.
The Board of Trustees manages the business of the Foundation, led by the trustee chair. The Rotary International president-elect nominates the trustees, who are elected by the Rotary International Board of Directors. The trustee chair serves for one year and trustees serve for four years.
Did you know that your personal contributions increase your PHF recognition amount to the same value AND give you PHF points at the rate of one point per dollar which can be transferred to create a new PHF or PHF level?
Did you know that you can view your own personal giving progress to THE ROTARY FOUNDATION via “My Rotary” on the Rotary International website at www.rotary.org
Did you know that a PHF+1 refers to a Paul Harris Fellow recognition pin with one Sapphire?
Did you know that you’re Club President or Secretary can access your Club member PHF recognition level via MEMBERS ACCESS in the RI website at www.rotary.org and viewing the CLUB RECOGNITION SUMMARY Report?
Did you know that Paul Harris Recognition Points can be transferred from Club to individual and individual to individual but not from individual to Club?
Did you know that Paul Harris recognition points can ONLY be used to recognise individuals and not groups or businesses; however points can be used for “Certificates of Appreciation”?
Did you know that Foundation recognition points do not expire, unless you pass away or your surviving partner is a Major Donor?
Did you know that a group of Rotarians can combine their points to make Recognition? The minimum transfer is 100 points and in denominations of 100 points.
Did you know that the Transfer Recognition request form can be downloaded from www.rotary.org
Did you know that that less than 20% of Rotarians in Australia make regular personal contributions to THE ROTARY FOUNDATION?
Did you know that THE ROTARY FOUNDATION is Rotary International’s only charity?
Did you know that Personal Giving to the Rotary Foundation is tax deductible via THE AUSTRALIAN ROTARY FOUNDATION TRUST?
Did you know that only contributions to THE ROTARY FOUNDATION accrue PAUL HARRIS Recognition points?
Did you know that your contact person at THE ROTATY FOUNDATION for recognition information is Mark Anderson on mark.anderson@rotary.org or phone +61 2 8894 9841
Did you know that the term “per capita” is a measure of combined Club members giving to the ANNUAL FUND of the Rotary Foundation?
Did you know that the number one per capita club in the world in 2012-13 was in Bangladesh at US$5,915.80?
Did you know that the number one per capita club in Australia in 2012-13 was Wishart in D9630 at US$1,979.66?
Did you know that the number one per capita club in 2012-13 in Zone 7B (New Zealand and South Pacific) was Suva East D9920 with US$ 607.56?
Did you know that 50% of the combined giving to the Annual Fund comes back to your District Designated Fund 3 years after it was given?
Did you know that giving to Polio Plus attracts Paul Harris Recognition points?
Did you know that Major Donor Recognition is based on US$10,000 of personal giving? The pin has a blue diamond shaped field around the Paul Harris image. Up to 4 diamonds are placed in the blue field to recognise your level of contribution.
Did you know that the Paul Harris Fellow is recognition not an award? It is a recognition that a contribution of US$1,000 has be given to the Rotary Foundation in your name.
Did you know that the Arch Klumph Society recognises personal giving of US$250,000 and more? There are three levels of Recognition
- Trustees Circle - $250,000+
- Chairs Circle - $500,000+
- Foundation Circle- $1,000,000+
Did you know that there are 8 Arch Klumph Society Recognitions in Australia?
Did you know the Rotary International Office in Parramatta has an Arch Klumph Society recognition wall in its foyer?
Did you know that the maximum Paul Harris Fellow level is PHF+8 which has 3 rubies? The next step is becoming a MAJOR DONOR.
Did you know that The Australia Rotary Foundation trust has DGR status so that personal contributions are tax deductible?
Did you know that your Club can get a Rotary Foundation grant to fund a project in the local community?
Did you know that the Rotary Foundation has Six areas of Focus.
- Peace and Conflict Resolution
- Water and Sanitation
- Maternal & Child Health
- Literacy & Education
- Community and Economic Development
- Disease Control and prevention
Did you know that The Rotary Foundation partners with seven universities in the world as part of the Rotary Peace Fellow Program? The University of Queensland is a Rotary Peace Partner Institution.
Did you know that a Rotary Peace Fellow scholarship is valued at US$75,000?
Did you know that the RRFC (Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator) for Australia (District 9820) is PDG John Barnes
Did you know that the E/MGA (Endowment and Major Gift Advisor) for Australia (District 9820) is PDG Jim Studebaker
Did you know that there are four levels of Major Donor Recognition?
Level 1 $10,000+
- Level 2 $25,000+
- Level 3 $50,000+
- Level 4 $100,000+
The pin depicted is a Level four donor.
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