JARRAD STOKKER recently joined the Team at Mornington Golf Club as a Trainee Professional, under the auspices of Michael Faraone the well - respected Head Professional and a straight shooter. [Well, mostly

Jarrad will undertake theoretical and business training, work in the Pro Shop to interface with players from many countries and practice his game. In addition, Jarrad must play 40 'qualifying' rounds per annum, maintain a low handicap [his is currently minus 2] these being graded by PGA Australia, otherwise he will not pass the stages necessary to progress. While undertaking the 4 - YEAR course, Jarrad must submit projects [including proficiency with MICROSOFT EXCEL] stock control, cash management, staff employment and oversight, laws relating to OH&S and Fair Work Practices. Among other things.
At the end of 4 Years Jarrad will obtain a grading that determines his place [seniority] within the PGA Australia. The trick is to play well enough to get a ranking enabling playing 'rights' in various tournaments, and not have to wait for those higher up to cancel so you can earn a start.
Jarrad explained in eloquent fashion some of the attributes required [and as Chairman David Rew said later 'chief among these is dedication']. For example, in a major tournament, it played over four days, each player faces 140+ opponents on days 1 and again 2 at which point if missing 'the Cut' he or she is removed from the field of players. No payment, only overheads. The Americans call this situation a 'Trunk Slammer' - bags in the trunk [boot] and off to the next game. Expenses, fuel / air tickets, car rental, accommodation, meals, a caddie and entry fees. IF a player makes the 'Cut', they face two more rounds each against 70+ players in order to win. You are guaranteed some payment according to your finishing place.
As Jarrad said 'In tennis, a player may only need to play a total of 15 sets over 10 days and you get rest breaks, a sit - down every few minutes and 'slaves' to hand you towels and a ball. In a few a five hours, the player can win over FOUR MILLION Dollars'.
Players and non - players alike were transfixed by what Jarrad had to say, and even after Chairman David had to call 'time' many members stayed back to chat. Jarrad was presented with a collectors' RCME drinking glass and roundly thanked by the Club.