Great Aussie Hike

On Friday and Saturday, the Club supported the Great Aussie Hike once again. The Great Aussie Hike is a team walk around the Mornington Peninsula to fund raise for Lifeline. There are 4 options a two day 100km walk or  a 53, 47, 05 5km walk on the Saturday. Each team pays an entry fee to lifeline and to cover some costs. The organization and running of the event is done by volunteers.  As they say "At the Great Aussie Hike, we find a way for EVERYONE to participate no matter your level of fitness or experience. Our focus is on friends staying connected, supporting each other and staying active while having loads of fun. That’s why we developed our unique SHARE THE DISTANCE option. You can choose to either take on the entire challenge length or swap sections between team mates. Read more here and discover if this is the perfect way to have fun and get fit with your friends."

Our Club supplied 15 Course Marshals and  3 marquees and our BBQ team were there supplying sausages and drinks. We raised $ for our project account through BBQ sales. The club was well high lighted with our branding our shirts the marquees and trailers. There were 700 participants in 57(?) teams and they were all complimentary of our assistance and guidance - it was a truly "feel good" occasion. Thank you to Jim Young who co-ordinated our participation, all the members who helped as Couse Marshals and the BBQ crew.   Below are some photos from the event taken by Mike Weber.