The Princess and the Paratrooper

A Paratrooper asked a Princess to marry him

The princess said, "No!"

And the paratrooper lived happily ever after and jumped off airplanes & helicopters all
over the world, and drove hot cars with LEGs' girlfriends & wives, and chased skinny
long-legged big-breasted flight attendants, and went to the world's finest clubs, and
didn't worry about what time he had to be home, and he hunted and he fished, and
went to topless bars and dated women half his age and drank whatever he pleased, as
much as he pleased, whenever he pleased, and never heard bitching during ANY time of
month, and kept his house and his guns, and ate cold leftover meals, potato chips and
beans and blew enormous farts and never got cheated on while he was at work or in the
field, and all his friends and family thought he was frickin' cool as hell, and he had tons
of money in the bank and he left the toilet seat up.
The End.

Editors note - "and the Princess thanked her lucky stars each and every day for not marrying a total tool"!!!