The Rotary Club of
Mount Eliza
Chartered 1971
Club Information
Mount Eliza
Service Above Self
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM
Toorak College
Mt Eliza
Mount Eliza, VIC 3930
0418 319 101
Dinner Meeting at Toorak College & Zoom Meeting Conference Number 82650442487
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Upcoming Events
Bunnings BBQ - check the roster for your shift
Bunnings Mornington
Oct 08, 2023
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
High Afternoon Tea
Phil's House
Oct 22, 2023
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Melbourne Cup Calcutta
Le Hoang Restaurant
Oct 29, 2023
6:00 PM – 9:30 PM
View entire list
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President Carolyn's Notes
President Carolyn's Notes
  Last week I revisited the Zone 8 Regionalisation Project and the requirement for our Club to discus how we see ourselves. The key questions from the presentation have been circulated and this week we were able to discus and agree our response.  Secretary George-Anne and I have compiled what I see as our collective Club response:
Questions in the Club Preferences Form
What are we most passionate about?
Members are most passionate about the culture of Mount Eliza Rotary Club.  The fun gained by doing things together.  Care for one another is high.  Members are passionate about making a difference locally and internationally.
What are our biggest strengths and challenges?
Members see our long established trust fund as a big advantage for the Club.  The interest generated can be distributed annually to projects with the status as charities and this takes pressure off fund raising.  The Club is very broadly based in its interests including community, youth, environment and international areas. 
Our satellite Club gives us a source of extra younger members efforts for all activities.  It broadens our scope in attracting new younger members into Rotary.  At the same time the senior Club has an issue in attracting new members to provide a source of  leadership candidates.
An additional challenge is to identify a moderate scale fund raising project that can be established and perhaps become a signature project for Mount Eliza Rotary over a longer period.
What do we imagine our club could achieve with increased support and collaboration?
 We see an opportunity to have more impact if we had a more comprehensive public relations package that improves the identity of Rotary.  We would fill up our satellite club, start a Rotaract club and maybe have Interact clubs in several schools. 
What is our preferred primary way of being grouped with other clubs?
Members see that a geographic basis as our preferred way of being grouped.  Our Peninsula cluster is strong and we see a linkage with the neighbouring Nepean cluster as preferred.  Additional clubs either from neighbouring areas around Port Phillip Bay, Westernport or even the Bellarine Peninsula would be appropriate.
Are we interested in being part of a secondary grouping?  If so, based on what shard interest?
Members would consider a secondary grouping with clubs interested in international projects.
We plan to approve our final rersponse at the Zoom meeting next week.
Carolyn Such
This Week's Speaker
Radiography  Beth Wilson (Radiographer)
Tonight's Guest Speaker was retired Radiographer Beth Wilson.  Beth is a multitalented lady originally from New Zealand who also is an expert rose judge and orchid fancier and grower. Tonight, she did a fantastic job explaining the "ins and outs" of all the imaging variations of Radiography. All radiography works by various body tissues absorbing the energy waves "fired" at them differentially to produce a contrasting image. The energy waves used vary enormously: Ultrasound (sound waves), X-Ray (Radiation), MRI (Magnetic fields and radio waves), CT /CAT(3D X-Ray), PET(high energy gamma rays). Imaging is also assisted by the dyes and radiotracers used to help enhance the differentiation within the body tissues and organs. There are 35 types of imaging using the five machines. Radiographers learn and study all the techniques but generally specialize in one. They are specialists in producing the images for the medical specialists to help them diagnose what is wrong with you. Beth was a specialist in Ultrasound and a strong advocate in its use. It is probably the cheapest and least dangerous technique as well. She finished off with a series of rules/tips for us.
1: Be patient and respectful of the radiographers so they can do the best job for you.
2: The most expensive imaging may not be the best - don't ask for it, let the experts choose the right test.
3: Wait till the tests come in before you demand the treatment. Don't be surprised if you need another test!
4: Get your results via an appointment not a phone call.
5: Make a medical Family Tree
6:  Print out your Medical Record
7: Do not cross your legs during a long-haul flight. That's the site in the legs you will get DVT.
 Chair Maurie with  Beth and President Carolyn (left to right)
Melbourne Cup Calcutta
Melbourne Cup Calcutta Night - MC Jim Young

Following on with the tradition started by Rotarian, the late Tim Acton, our Annual Melbourne Cup Calcutta evening is again to be held at Le Hoang Vietnamese Restaurant on Cup-eve. The function will start at 6.30pm.

Our auctioneer, the ‘Fabulous Phil Key’ will auction each of the 24 runners in the Cup. This year we shall have a straight auction; unlike last year, the horses shall not be put to re-auction.

In addition, a range of other wonderful items will be up for auction.

Le Hoang will, once again, be providing a great banquet menu. BYO drinks (no corkage) or beer/wine can also be purchased.

Tickets are $40 per person.

Bookings are limited to 80 people. Please invite your family and friends and remember to BOOK EARLY.

The following link will take you to the Humanitix Booking Site
Hi Tea
Hi Tea at Pil Key's Residence October 22
Phil tells me there are only 2 tickets left to the Hi Tea at his residence at 54 Old Mornington Rd, Mt Eliza on October 22, 2.00pm to 4.30pm. Tickets are $75. It will be a great afternoon of fine food and entertainment.   Phil still has 15 tickets in the wine raffle to sell at $10 each so get them asap.
Club Meetings
Club Meetings for October
Oct-10Program ZoomDavid Ensor - CEO International Needs Australa
 ChairmanJenny Baker    
 3 Minute SpeakerJohn Welsh    
 Zoom HostBrendan Hoban    
Oct-17ProgramSergeant Pat Hayes - Drone Pilot  
 ChairmanJudy Coultas    
 3 Minute SpeakerRob Cracknell    
 CashiersRhonda Vincent / John Horscroft  
 FellowshipJanet Richards    
 FurnitureAlex Anderson    
 Heads & TailsTrish Stamp    
Oct-24ProgramJoint meeting with RC Mornington 
  Winston Marsh - How to Build a Bloody Great Club
 ChairmanJohn Welsh / Pam Hall   
 3 Minute SpeakerNo 3 Minute Speaker   
 CashiersSue Voss / Pauline McFarlane  
 FellowshipJudy Coultas    
 FurnitureMike Weber    
 Heads & TailsTrish Stamp    
Oct-31ProgramClub Night    
 ChairmanCarolyn Such    
 3 Minute SpeakerNo 3 Minute Speaker   
 CashiersPhil Key / Chris Angerer   
 FellowshipAnnette Ferrier    
 FurnitureTim Worrall    
 SergeantTrish Stamp    

Try Petanque Day
Judy and Kate have sent us a flyer for the next Open Day at the Mount Martha Bowls and Petanque Club where you and the family can try Petanque. As we know it is a fun and fascinating sport to be involved in.
Brynton's Joke of the Week
In lieu of Brynton's joke. Somehow, the Editor and Brynton have communication problems - his joke is in the "ether"

A taxing situation

According to unofficial sources, a new simplified income-tax form from the ATO contains only four lines:

1. What was your income for the year?

2. What were your expenses?

3. How much have you left?

4. Send it in.

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P O Box 95 Mount Eliza 3930
We meet at 6:00 PM Every Tuesday at Toorak College