Tonight's Guest Speaker was retired Radiographer Beth Wilson. Beth is a multitalented lady originally from New Zealand who also is an expert rose judge and orchid fancier and grower. Tonight, she did a fantastic job explaining the "ins and outs" of all the imaging variations of Radiography. All radiography works by various body tissues absorbing the energy waves "fired" at them differentially to produce a contrasting image. The energy waves used vary enormously: Ultrasound (sound waves), X-Ray (Radiation), MRI (Magnetic fields and radio waves), CT /CAT(3D X-Ray), PET(high energy gamma rays). Imaging is also assisted by the dyes and radiotracers used to help enhance the differentiation within the body tissues and organs. There are 35 types of imaging using the five machines. Radiographers learn and study all the techniques but generally specialize in one. They are specialists in producing the images for the medical specialists to help them diagnose what is wrong with you. Beth was a specialist in Ultrasound and a strong advocate in its use. It is probably the cheapest and least dangerous technique as well. She finished off with a series of rules/tips for us. 1: Be patient and respectful of the radiographers so they can do the best job for you. 2: The most expensive imaging may not be the best - don't ask for it, let the experts choose the right test. 3: Wait till the tests come in before you demand the treatment. Don't be surprised if you need another test! 4: Get your results via an appointment not a phone call. 5: Make a medical Family Tree 6: Print out your Medical Record 7: Do not cross your legs during a long-haul flight. That's the site in the legs you will get DVT. Chair Maurie with Beth and President Carolyn (left to right)