Ashton Lewis and Nicholas Tol presented our meeting with a fantastic run down of the workings of Rotary's Model United Nations Assembly - MUNA conference which was held at Nossal SC. Jim Voss has been working diligently on this project and it is a credit to him and our two terrific representatives that they could relay such knowledge and public speaking skills. The MUNA project encourages young Australians to learn about other countries and to develop an understanding of the workings of the UN. Is simulates the workings of the UN General Assembly and how resolutions are heard and passed in the UN. Students from year 9-11 represent a nominated UN Member State. The students (delegates) must research their given topics and be able to express the views of their given country not their own, in such areas as Womens rights and climate change. Nicholas and Ashton represented Israel. Delegates are encouraged to wear the appropriate national costume and to learn respect and tolerance of all cultures, races, religions and nationalities. After their presentations, Ashton and Nicholas asked for member representatives to enact their own debates on the three resolutions in a mock debate, something everyone really enjoyed. Well done Ashton and Nicholas and Jim. I also missed out on photos from last week so here is Kate Horton who did a great talk on the perils of trading in COVID times It was also great to see that Ray Manchester is again able to hold a wine glass after carpel tunnel operations on both his wrists.