Hi all, firstly I would like to thank the club for the excellent atmosphere and fellowship at the Vocational Awards Night at our place on Tuesday. It was a great success and I think the people who received their rewards appreciated them and the support they received from the Club. So many thanks to Linda, Carolyn, John, Janet, and Brynton who organised, worked and ran the night. I also must thank Helen and others in my family for their work as well, although I think the younger members got more fun out of it rather than the satisfaction of helping. The cook was simply pleased that we managed to make enough pizzas before it was dark! I appreciated all the kind messages from members who thanked us for the night.
We inducted Tim Worrall last meeting and it is great that we have him as part of the Club now. After all the support he and Tia have given us over the years it is good to have Tim in the Club as a full member. We welcome you with open arms and all the great experiences Rotary can give you. Shortly, we will induct Phil Keane who has slotted so well into our Club and look forward to welcoming him into our community as well.
During the upcoming meeting we will finalise our roster for the Great Aussie Hike on April 1-2. There have been some changes to the sites and BBQ times so please look carefully at the Draft roster George-Ann has constructed and is being sent out by Pauline shortly. WE still have spots to fill so encourage friends and family to help as well.
The Club is commencing some environmental work at the Moorooduc station as part of the Bay Trail project. Initially it is rehabilitating areas that were damaged in earlier work or overgrown with weeds. The first session is this Wednesday, March 16 at 2.00pm. Anyone who is interested to help & advise the Peninsula Students in weeding and preparation for tree planting would be most welcome. If you are coming, please email me. The entrance to the station is via the Moorooduc Hwy entrance on the left just before the Eramosa Rd roundabout as you head towards Frankston. Park inside the station grounds. Bring gloves & secateurs.
At the conference, Enivronment was a big focus and Mangroves was the centre of the first Key Note speaker. PE Dick Cox of Somerville has a keen interest in this area and has called for people to help in his rehabilitation and conservation efforts in Westernport Bay. Pauline will be sending out the information if you would like to participate in this project.
Pauline has requested that if you are an apology for a meeting send your apology in a separate email with Apology as the subject. Please do not add it as a part of an email dealing with another topic. She is very busy at present with family and business and needs information to come in concise and clear bits.
Can I remind members that being cashier involves donating a bottle of port for the Heads and Tails, which reminds me that we will move the Heads & Tails to earlier in the night so that the Port can be savoured rather than gulped due to a lack of time.
The Club was donated 22 folding chairs by our local State member of Parliament, David Morris which were put to use straight away. We have written to thank him for his kind donation. They are stored in the Rotary storeroom at the Herons.
Good to see that the members on the medical list are dealing with there various stages of treatment in a positive way. In particular, Rowan is on the mend after a couple of torrid weeks, however, he still has a long way to go and we wish him a speedy recovery. See you at the next meeting, Neil