The Rotary Club of
Mount Eliza
Chartered 1971
Club Information
Mount Eliza
Service Above Self
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM
Toorak College
Mt Eliza
Mount Eliza, VIC 3930
0418 319 101
Dinner Meeting at Toorak College & Zoom Meeting Conference Number 82650442487
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Rotary Club of Mount Eliza Christmas Party
Toorak College
Dec 12, 2023
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
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President Carolyn's Notes
Thanks to David and Linda Morris for providing their home and garden as venue for afternoon tea on Sunday 19th.  The event was a fund raiser to provide outdoor furniture for a well-used park in Mount Eliza.  It was great to see such a varied group of members, friends and younger people.  Congratulations to Linda and the Community team for a very well organised event.  We will hear about the total money raised very soon.
Last week's meeting was a very busy one with a combination of things.  Its always great to welcome new members.  In this case, we welcomed Jamie Hunt who transferred from Rotary in Moe. Also, Claire Pearce, who has returned to Rotary after having relocated.
Our two National Youth Science Forum NYSF candidates and parents came to introduce themselves.  NYSF has returned to a two week residential program in either Canberra or Brisbane in January.  We will see the girls again once they have been.
Our speaker Ian Chen gave his perspective on life in China and the reasons for him coming to Australia where he has been for some time.  His parents are still in China and he returns regularly now that Covid lockdowns have been lifted.  Ian fielded many questions from the floor.  I am pleased to report that he has made a significant donation to our Trust. Thank you Ian.
3 Minute Speaker
There was no 3 Minute Speaker this week
This Week's Speaker
We had a most interesting night of meeting our new and transferring members, congratulating out Science Scholarship Winner and hearing a most interesting talk about China from a Chinese Australian Businessman.
 Jamie Hunt, hiding behind Claire, transferred from Moe Rotary and Claire Pearce returning to Rotary after having relocated
   Aina Amberkar and Ceara Taylor and their very proud parents were awarded Rotary NYSF Scholarships to attend workshops in Canberra.  Congratulations  girls

      Chinese Australian businessman Ian Chen gave a very interesting talk about what it's like to live in China.
      He was very forthcoming in his honest answers to the many questions that were asked by our members.
      We hope to see him and his wife Lydia at more of our meetings.  Thanks again to Judy Coultas for arranging another great speaker.
Club Meetings
Club Meetings for November - December
RCME Meeting Roster -November - December  
Nov-28ProgramDG Linda Humphries Official Visit & RCME AGM
 ChairmanCarolyn Such    
 3 Minute SpeakerNo 3 Minute Speaker   
 CashiersJim Voss /John Horscroft  
 FellowshipCaryl Coulthard    
 FurnitureFurniture Group   
 Heads & TailsTrish Stamp    
Dec-05ProgramNew Member Profile   
 3 Minute SpeakerKay McCauley    
 CashiersJenny Baker / Rhonda Vincent  
 FellowshipCarol Wallace    
 FurnitureFurniture Group   
 Heads & TailsTrish Stamp    
Dec-12ProgramRCME Christmas Party   
Christmas  Party
Free Christmas Clipart Pictures - Clipartix
Christmas Party  
A final reminder to all Rotarians, Honorary Rotarians & Friends of the Rotary Club of Mt Eliza.
Our Club Christmas Party for Members, Honorary Members, Family & Friends is being held at Toorak College on Tuesday 13 December at 6.00 pm for a 6.45 pm start.
Sparkling wine and mineral water, together with canapes, will be served on the Terrace from 6.00 pm.
At 6.45 pm will will sit down for a traditional Christmas Dinner.
The $45 cost of the evening covers sparkling pre-dinner drinks, Christmas Dinner including individual plum puddings and chocolates.
BYO other drinks for dinner.
The following link will take you to the Humanitix Booking Site:

Kindly note that bookings close this Thursday for catering purposes and late bookings cannot be accepted.
Old Mobile Phones and IPads
Mobile Phone Clipart at GetDrawings | Free download
Old Mobile Phones and IPADS
Just a reminder that Jim Voss and Mike Weber are still wanting any old phones and iPads
They're collecting them to raise money for the Youth Committee.
Any brand is fine - they don't have to be Apple brand.
Brynton's Joke of the Week
Brynton's Joke of the Week
A preacher was making his rounds to his parishioners on a bicycle when he came upon little Johnny trying to sell a lawn mower.
"How much do you want for the mower?" asked the preacher. "I just want enough money to go out and buy me a bicycle," said little Johnny.
After a moment of consideration, the preacher asked, "Will you take my bike in trade for it?"
Little Johnny said, "Mister, you've got yourself a deal."
The preacher took the mower and tried to start it. He pulled and pulled on the rope until he was dripping with sweat but the mower refuses to start.
The preacher called little Johnny over and said, "I can't get this mower to start."
Little Johnny said, "That's because you have to cuss at it to get it started."
The preacher said, "I'm a man of the church and I can't cuss. It's been so long since I've been saved that I don't even remember how to cuss."
Little Johnny looked at him happily and said, "Just keep pulling on that rope. It'll come back to ya.
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P O Box 95 Mount Eliza 3930
We meet at 6:00 PM Every Tuesday at Toorak College