The Rotary Club of
Mount Eliza
Chartered 1971
Club Information
Mount Eliza
Service Above Self
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM
Dining Room, Toorak College
Mt Eliza
Mount Eliza, VIC 3930
0419 386 900
Dinner Meeting at Toorak College & Zoom Meeting Conference Number 82650442487
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President's Message - John Welsh

President’s report 28thJanuary 2023
Hello Fellow Rotarians,
I hope you all had an enjoyable Australia day. Thanks to all who helped with the function in Mt Eliza.  A special thanks to Linda for all her huge efforts to set it all up. It was a great success with all the community involvement, lots of people and wonderful coverage for Rotary.
Neil set up a notice board with information sheets with for membership, a great opportunity to explain who Rotary is
and what we do. A really positive event.

By next Tuesday meeting there will be only 10 days left to register for CONFERENCE. Being held on the Peninsula, it is a great opportunity to just pop down on the Saturday for the speakers, 9.30 start.

The cost for Saturday is $220.00 which covers the cost of morning tea, lunch and a special dinner.
Sunday breakfast’s speaker is Kevin Sheedy the cost is $40.00. If you are thinking of going, please register shortly, car pooling can also be arranged.

Last Tuesday’s speaker, Iain Buckland has talked to us before about Beleura House, once about the
car collection there and this time on his main subject the history of food and how it relates to Beleura house. Being a food guy, I found his talk very interesting, and I am going to set up a look at the kitchens with him shortly.

Next Tuesday we have Rachel and Glen Saunders,” the perils of running security business”. I hope you will be able to make it.

Thanks to all for your commitment to Rotary, I look forward to catching up with you next Tuesday.
Warm Regards,
This Week's Speakers
There was no 3-minute speaker this week - I'll say it AGAIN, if you can't do any of your rostered duties, please organise someone else.
Our main Speaker this week was Dr Iain Buckland who gave a very interesting talk on how history can be very embellished by researching the food that were eaten and how they were prepared through the ages.
Australia Day Celebrations were very well attended again this year. Here are some happy snaps thanks to Mike Weber and including John Welsh's grandson being turned into a tiger
Save the Dates dates
Friday 10 - Bunnings BBQ
24 - 26 - District Conference
Sunday 26 - Farmers Market
Sunday 23 - Bunnings BBQ
27-31 - Rotary International Convention Melbourn
Saturday 17th - Bunnings BBQ
Club Meetings
Neil has sent through dates for working bees at Moorooduc.  Some more dates to put in your clalendars
        March 15
       May 10
       June 14
       July 26
       August 23
       October 11
       November 1
They are still Wednesdays  at 2.00pm
Here is the next 4 week Roster
Date & VenueChairSpeaker3 Minute SpeakerCashiersFellowship
January 31st - Toorak CollegeSue VossRachel and Glen Saunders - Running a Security BusinessGeorge Ann SullivanSue Voss & Pauline McFarlaneJudy Coultas
February 7th - Toorak CollegeCarolyn Such & John WelshDistrict Govenor and Club NightRhonda VincentFrank Flowers & Carolyn Such
Kay McCauley
February 14th - Mornington Art Gallery then Rose GardensNo Cost involved - BYO Drinks and Snacks - Guests and Visitors Welcome
February 21st - Toorak CollegeMaurie SelthPaul Roos - South Africa TodayJim VossRhonda Vincent & Phil KeyJanet Richards
Brynton's Joke of the Week
Brynton's Joke of the Week 
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P O Box 95 Mount Eliza 3930
We meet at 6:00 PM Every Tuesday at Toorak College